Ganpati-e-shop is the Indian crafts online store of an India enthusiast who wants to share with you a little of the magic of this beautiful country.
Ganpati is my ethical shop born from my love for India and its people 25 years ago.
I know India very well, having lived there for a few years. I learned the practice of yoga and meditation there and for me India is my spiritual mother. I am passionate about Hinduism. I worked in Varanasi with various humanitarian associations until the birth of my daughter who was born there. I learned to speak Hindi and acquired some rudiments of Sanskrit. I have traveled to almost all the states of this huge country seven times larger than France.
During my many wanderings, I met craftsmen who made me discover their know-how, real artists eager to share their talent.
For sixteen years now, I have been offering you some of these beautiful things on the Aude and Ariège markets.
I select each product myself because I travel to India every year.
I apply a rigorous ethical policy during my purchases so that you are always satisfied.
I know each production circuit and I favor small craftsmen rather than the production units that exploit these craftsmen. I make it a point of honor that they are paid fairly. I refuse to haggle a few rupees which are important for them, much more than for us.
Many of the items in the shop are unique pieces, some are made with recycled materials.
I created Ganpati-e-shop at the request of many of you who do not live in the region and who wanted
stay in touch throughout the year.
Do not hesitate to contact me for any question concerning India or the store, I will be delighted to answer you.
You can also follow me on Facebook or Instagram (link at the bottom of the page), you will find an overview of my travels there.
To those who know me, thank you for the trust you place in me, as for those who do not know me yet, I hope that these bonds of trust will be woven between us.

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